WGS Upscaling - NSC Storage Capacity

NSC storage capability



January 10, 2025

1 Background

GDx at OUSAMG is planning to upscale the WGS production to 192 samples (4 x 48 or 2 x 48 + 1 x 96) samples per week. Do we have enough capacity in IT and bioinformatics pipelines for this upscaling?

The capacity of IT & bioinformatics pipelines can be evaluated from following three aspects:

  1. Data transfer speed
  2. Data storage
  3. Pipeline capacity

This document will focus on the evaluation of NSC storage capacity.

2 Boston capacity breakdown

Total capacity of boston is 552.6 TiB.

As of Dec 29, 2024, 12:00 PM

The capability breakdown as of Dec 29, 2024 12:00 PM is as follows:

3 Boston usable capacity

As of Dec 29, 2024, 12:00 PM

The usable capacity as of Dec 29, 2024, 12:00 PM is 231.2 TiB.

4 Boston storage volumes

Name Purpose
/boston General data area
/boston/runScrach Sequencing runs (Illumina, ONT)
/boston/projects Research projects
/boston/common Software, and repositories
/boston/diag Diagnostics production
/boston/diag/transfer Transfer area (for TSD)
/boston/runScratch/demultiplexed/delivery/tsd_sleipnir Transfer area NSC
vm-datastore VMware datastore (virtual hard disks)

5 Boston used storage breakdown

As of Dec 29, 2024, 12:00 PM:

The used storage as of Dec 29, 2024, 12:00 PM is 228 TiB. Details are as follows:

Figure 1: sunburst chart of used boston storage as of Dec 29, 2024 12:00 PM

The size of boston/diag/production/data/samples folder is very small (924 GiB) for 255 sample sub-folders in it due to the big files (mostly *.fastq.ora files) are hardlinks.

6 Miami (old boston) capacity breakdown

Total capacity of miami storage is 519 TiB.

As of Nov 24, 2024, 12:06 PM

The capability breakdown as of Nov 24, 2024 12:06 PM is as follows:

7 Miami (old boston) used storage breakdown

As of Nov 24, 2024, 12:06 PM:

The used storage as of Nov 24, 204, 12:06 PM is 385 TiB. Details are as follows:

Figure 2: sunburst chart of used miami storage as of Nov 24, 2024 12:06 PM
Warning diag

Even after the routine diagnostics production cleanup, diag still uses a large volume storage.

The following folders take ~80 TiB in total, which can be considered for cleanup:

Folder Size
/miami/diag/diagInternal/ying_temp 24.0 TiB
/miami/diag/runs/veriseq 13.2 TiB
/miami/diag/staging/data 12.5 TiB
/miami/diag/transfer/dev/p22-yingsh 11.3 TiB
/miami/diag/transfer/lost-and-found 9.6 TiB
/miami/diag/diagInternal/verification 4.1 TiB
/miami/diag/staging/transfer 4.0 TiB
Warning NSC

The /miami/projects folder takes 104 TiB.

The /miami/runScratch/analysis/projects folder takes 55 TiB.

8 Boston used storage table

8.1 /boston (228 TiB)

Directory Logical %use of Parent Directory Physical
/boston/diag 96.9 TiB 51.8% 113 TiB
/boston/runScrach 83.1 TiB 44.4% 107 TiB
/boston/projects 2.87 TiB 1.5% 3.74 TiB
/boston/home 2.77 TiB 1.5% 2.82 TiB
/boston/common 1.42 TiB 0.8% 1.54 TiB

8.1.1 /boston/diag

Directory Logical %use of Parent Directory Physical
/boston/diag/runs 35.8 TiB 37.0% 47.4 TiB
/boston/diag/production 33.8 TiB 34.9% 34.3 TiB
/boston/diag/transfer 15.6 TiB 16.1% 16.3 TiB
/boston/diag/nscDelivery 7.82 TiB 8.1% 10.4 TiB
/boston/diag/staging 3.84 TiB 4.0% 4.88 TiB
/boston/diag/diagInternal 1.48 GiB 0.0% 1.88 GiB /boston/diag/production

Directory Logical %use of Parent Directory Physical
/boston/diag/production/data 33.5 TiB 99.1% 33.9 TiB
/boston/diag/production/sw 238 GiB 0.7% 297 GiB
/boston/diag/production/reference 74.3 GiB 0.2% 63.9 GiB
/boston/diag/production/logs 3.32 GiB 0.0% 557 MiB
/boston/diag/production/.thirdparty 110 MiB 0.0% 148 GiB /boston/diag/transfer

Directory Logical %use of Parent Directory Physical
/boston/diag/transfer/production 14.8 TiB 97.7% 15.4 TiB /boston/diag/staging

Directory Logical %use of Parent Directory Physical
/boston/diag/staging/data 3.53 TiB 92.0% 4.54 TiB
/boston/diag/staging/sw 237 GiB 6.0% 285 GiB
/boston/diag/staging/reference 77.5 GiB 2.0% 67.5 GiB

8.1.2 /boston/runScratch

Directory Logical %use of Parent Directory Physical
/boston/runScratch/NovaSeqX 34.5 TiB 41.5% 45.7 TiB
/boston/runScratch/analysis 38.8 TiB 37.0% 37.1 TiB
/boston/runScratch/demultiplexed 15.6 TiB 18.8% 20.7 TiB
/boston/runScratch/processed 1.03 TiB 1.2% 1.58 TiB
/boston/runScratch/ONT 738 GiB 0.9% 1.02 TiB
/boston/runScratch/UserData 244 GiB 0.3% 254 GiB
/boston/runScratch/test 64.7 GiB 0.1% 86.1 GiB
/boston/runScratch/PGT 16.7 GiB 0.0% 20.5 GiB
/boston/runScratch/Upgrade_software 16.7 GiB 0.0% 22.2 GiB
/boston/runScratch/mik_data 12.5 GiB 0.0% 12.5 GiB
/boston/runScratch/imm_data 4.5 GiB 0.0% 4.53 GiB

9 Expected data

The data generated by NovaSeqX depend on the settings of secondary analysis and the sequencing depth (current setting is 64 samples per flowcell).

When use Onboard DRAGEN only for demultiplexing, inhouse pipelines must be run on external DRAGEN.

9.1 Per sample estimation

9.1.1 BCL Convert only NovaSeqX generated sequencing data

The {R1,R2}.fastq.ora files per sample is about 14 GB logical data (18 GB on disk).

Other files such as BCL files, images, logs, reports, etc. is about 47 GB logical data per sample (63 GB on disk).


In total, 61 GB logical data per sample (81 GB on disk). Inhouse pipelines on external DRAGEN

With BCL Convert only, we need to run inhouse pipelines on external DRAGEN which requires input data and also generates output data.

Given the design of the inhouse pipelines, some files are duplicated in different locations.

  1. Only 1 copy of any fastq.ora file is physically stored on boston, i.e., not duplicated. A fastq.ora file appears in 4 different locations:

    1. /boston/diag/nscDelivery
    2. /boston/diag/transfer/production/{normal,high,urgent}/samples or /boston/daig/transfer/production/transferred/{normal,high,urgent}/samples
    3. /boston/diag/production/data/samples
    4. /boston/diag/production/data/analyses-work/\*/result/\*/work

    1, 2 and 3 are hardlinks; 4 is symlink of 3 (within /boston/diag/produciton/data/analyses-work, files are symlinked from the Nextflow work folder.)

  2. Files in /boston/diag/produciton/data/analyses-results/{singles,trios} are copies of that in /boston/diag/produciton/data/analyses-work

  3. Files in /boston/diag/transfer/production/{normal,high,urgent}/analyses-results/{singles,trios} are copies of that in /boston/diag/produciton/data/analyses-work analyses-work folder size

Average analyses-work basepipe folder size is 71 GiB (70 GiB on disk)

Average analyses-work triopipe folder size is 11 GiB (7 GiB on disk)

Average analyses-work annopipe folder size is 9 GiB (9 GiB on disk)

Adding NovaSeqX generated sequencing data, the total data per sample is 140 GiB (158 GiB on disk). analyses-results folder size

Average analyses-results singles folder size is 55 GiB (55 GiB on disk).

Average analyses-results trios folder size is 3 GiB (3 GiB on disk).

Adding NovaSeqX generated sequencing data and analyses-work data and counting in the 2 duplicates of analyses-results, the total data per sample becomes 251 GiB (269 GiB on disk). ella-incoming folder size

Average ella-incoming folder size is 126 MB (127 MB on disk).

Adding NovaSeqX generated sequencing data, analyses-work data and analyses-results data, the total data per sample becomes 251 GiB (269 GiB on disk). Number of samples (BCL Convert only)

9.1.2 DRAGEN Germline (AllVariantCallers)

When secondary analysis is DRAGEN Germline with all variant callers, i.e. doing both demultiplexing and variant calling with Onboard DRAGEN.

In addition to NovaSeqX generated sequencing data, each sample has about 20 GB pipeline output logical data (27 GB on disk). See Section for pipeline output files and their sizes per sample.


In total, 81 GB logical data per sample (108 GB on disk).

The inhouse pipeline and nsc-exporter changes to accommodate the DRAGEN Germline pipeline is not yet implemented. Some duplication of NovaSeqX generated data is expected. Pipeline output files per sample

├── [ 20G] germline_seq
│   ├── [ 2.6M] report.html
│   ├── [ 13M] sv
│   │   ├── [ 6.1M] results
│   │   │   ├── [ 44K] stats
│   │   │   │   ├── [ 736] alignmentStatsSummary.txt
│   │   │   │   ├── [ 20K] candidate_metrics.csv
│   │   │   │   ├── [ 535] diploidSV.sv_metrics.csv
│   │   │   │   ├── [ 4.4K] graph_metrics.csv
│   │   │   │   ├── [ 9.0K] svCandidateGenerationStats.tsv
│   │   │   │   ├── [ 6.7K] svCandidateGenerationStats.xml
│   │   │   │   └── [ 1.7K] svLocusGraphStats.tsv
│   │   │   └── [ 6.1M] variants
│   │   │   ├── [ 4.2M] candidateSV.vcf.gz
│   │   │   ├── [ 671K] candidateSV.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   │   ├── [ 1.1M] diploidSV.vcf.gz
│   │   │   └── [ 121K] diploidSV.vcf.gz.tbi
│   │   └── [ 6.5M] workspace
│   │   ├── [ 56K] alignmentStats.xml
│   │   ├── [ 505] chromDepth.txt
│   │   ├── [ 59K] edgeRuntimeLog.txt
│   │   ├── [ 17K] genomeSegmentScanDebugInfo.txt
│   │   ├── [ 2.3K] logs
│   │   │   └── [ 2.2K] config_log.txt
│   │   └── [ 6.4M] svLocusGraph.bin
│   ├── [ 182K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv.excluded_intervals.bed.gz
│   ├── [ 457K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv.gff3
│   ├── [ 2.8K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv.igv_session.xml
│   ├── [ 793] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 70K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv.vcf.gz
│   ├── [ 32] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv.vcf.gz.md5sum
│   ├── [ 18K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cnv.vcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── [ 16G] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cram
│   ├── [ 1.3M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cram.crai
│   ├── [ 32] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cram.md5sum
│   ├── [ 302] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cyp2b6.tsv
│   ├── [ 283] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.cyp2d6.tsv
│   ├── [ 420K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.fastqc_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 272K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.fragment_length_hist.csv
│   ├── [ 185] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.gba.tsv
│   ├── [ 2.4K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.gvcf_hethom_ratio_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 2.4K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.gvcf_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 46M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.baf.bw
│   ├── [ 3.8G] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.gvcf.gz
│   ├── [ 32] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.gvcf.gz.md5sum
│   ├── [ 1.2M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.gvcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── [ 365M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.vcf.gz
│   ├── [ 32] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.vcf.gz.md5sum
│   ├── [ 1.6M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.hard-filtered.vcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── [ 16M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.improper.pairs.bw
│   ├── [ 429] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.insert-stats.tab
│   ├── [ 8.9K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.mapping_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 9.2K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.metrics.json
│   ├── [ 39K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.pcr-model-0.log
│   ├── [ 115] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.pcr-model.log
│   ├── [ 1.4K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.ploidy_estimation_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 1.8K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.ploidy.vcf.gz
│   ├── [ 32] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.ploidy.vcf.gz.md5sum
│   ├── [ 4.0K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.ploidy.vcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── [ 1.9M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.repeats.bam
│   ├── [ 4.3K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.repeats.vcf.gz
│   ├── [ 3.9K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.repeats.vcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── [ 48K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.roh.bed
│   ├── [ 114] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.roh_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 242K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.seg
│   ├── [ 69K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.seg.bw
│   ├── [ 247K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.seg.called
│   ├── [ 259K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.seg.called.merged
│   ├── [ 223] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.smn.tsv
│   ├── [ 1.7K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.snperror-sampler.log
│   ├── [ 535] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.sv_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 1.1M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.sv.vcf.gz
│   ├── [ 121K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.sv.vcf.gz.tbi
│   ├── [ 19M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.target.counts.bw
│   ├── [ 22M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.target.counts.diploid.bw
│   ├── [ 31M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.target.counts.gc-corrected.gz
│   ├── [ 25M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.target.counts.gz
│   ├── [ 1.4K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.targeted.json
│   ├── [ 22M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.tn.bw
│   ├── [ 37M] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.tn.tsv.gz
│   ├── [ 1.4K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.trimmer_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 7.2K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.vc_hethom_ratio_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 2.4K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.vc_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 2.8K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.wgs_contig_mean_cov.csv
│   ├── [ 2.1K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.wgs_coverage_metrics.csv
│   ├── [ 16K] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.wgs_fine_hist.csv
│   ├── [ 558] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.wgs_hist.csv
│   └── [ 43] wgs435_HB12345678_3c52f4e7-826d-40dd-bd98-f4356deeb098.wgs_overall_mean_cov.csv
└── [ 11K] logs
    ├── [ 258] bcl2fastq.dragen_events.csv
    ├── [ 1.1K] cmdline_1198902.txt
    ├── [ 608] cmdline_1608030.txt
    ├── [ 1.1K] cmdline_3358454.txt
    ├── [ 219] DCKR_RG-stderr_1608030.txt
    ├── [ 461] DCKR_RG-stdout_1608030.txt
    ├── [ 250] ora.dragen_events.csv
    ├── [ 1] ORA-stderr_1198902.txt
    ├── [ 3.9K] ORA-stdout_1198902.txt
    ├── [ 1] P2FSW-stderr_3358454.txt
    └── [ 2.4K] P2FSW-stdout_3358454.txt


👆 Generated by tree --du which shows the actual file sizes instead of disk space used. Number of samples (DRGEN Germline)

9.2 Per sequencing run

Each sequencing run can have different set up.

  • Flowcell side:
    • single side (single flowcell)
    • both sides (dual flowcell)
  • Flowcell type:
    • 1.5B
    • 10B
    • 25B
  • Secondary analysis:
    • BCL Convert
    • DRAGEN Germline
      • variant calling mode = None
      • variant calling mode = SmallVariantCaller
      • variant calling mode = AllVariantCallers (Small, Structural, CNV, Repeat Expansions, ROH, CYP2D6 etc.)

We normally run a single or dual 25B flowcell with BCL Convert only or DRAGEN Germline with all variant callers enabled.

9.2.1 Single 25B flowcell; BCL Convert only

Single 25B flowcell (64 samples), secondary analysis is BCL Convert, i.e. only demultiplexing.


3.9 TB logical data (5.1 TB on disk).

9.2.2 Dual 25B flowcell; BCL Convert only

Dual 25B flowcell (128 samples), secondary analysis is BCL Convert, i.e. only demultiplexing.


7.8 TB logical data (10.2 TB on disk).

9.2.3 Dual 25B flowcell; DRAGEN Germline (AllVariantCallers)

Dual 25B flowcell (128 samples), secondary analysis is DRAGEN Germline with all variant callers enabled, i.e. doing both demultiplexing and mapping, variant calling with Onboard DRAGEN.


10.5 TB logical data (14.0 TB on disk).